7 tips to reduce risk of coronavirus (COVID-19)


7 tips to reduce risk of coronavirus (COVID-19)

WHO prescribes deterrent measures to diminish your danger of coronavirus contamination. 

1. Wash your hands as often as possible. 

2. Abstain from contacting your eyes, nose, or mouth. 

3. Abstain from eating crude meat and the pointless contact with wild creatures. 

4, Thoroughly cook meat and eggs. 

5.Avoid close contact with anybody with influenza-like indications. 

6.If you build up a fever, hack, or trouble breathing, look for clinical consideration early. 

7.Take specific precautionary measures while voyaging. 

On the off chance that you speculate you may have coronavirus if it's not too much trouble call your medicinal services supplier ahead of time and let them realize you are coming. We should likewise ensure the well-being of laborers as well.

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